Melissa Monroe - Farmington, WI 5 years experience Artist at Homeward Bound Tattoo ( in Port Washington, WI Twitter: @Monroever
Donning platinum blond hair, a variety of piercings and countless tattoos, Melissa Monroe is a small town girl who proves herself to be bold. Her laid back demeanor of a sweet Midwestern gal only goes but so far, as she is always ready to push back. She finds herself lucky to work among men because she feels women tend to be severely more dramatic. Living in a small town, Monroe doesn’t have the luxury of specializing in one form of tattooing. She enjoys doing pin up, dark nature, traditional and neo-traditional pieces. Monroe is confident in her work and dares anyone to question her ability to rise above the competition.[1]
Season 4[]
Episode 1[]
Episode 2[]
Episode 3[]
Episode 4[]
Episode 5[]
Episode 6[]
Episode 7[]
Episode 8[]
Episode 9[]
Episode 10[]
Episode 11[]
Episode 13[]
Competition history[]
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Bottom 4
Week 8
Bottom 3
Week 9
Bottom 2
Week 10
Bottom 2
Week 11
Post Ink Master[]
After the show, Melissa worked at Pine Needle Tattoos in Kewaskum, Wisconsin.
She is now working at Trillium Tattoos in West Bend, Wisconsin.